A walk with your partner in a natural setting is a great way to unwind and reconnect. The tranquility of a park, meadow, forest or even a mountain trail will relax you both. Take time alone together to share and discuss your thoughts. While these moments with the one you love can be very romantic, it’s also a great opportunity to let nature inspire your lust for each other. Playing an erotic adventure game together would get you in the mood. You may even find a secluded location to satisfy your natural desires.
Even if you don’t want to unleash your passion outdoors, you can still let your imagination run wild with erotic ideas. Having other people walking around could make it even more exciting. You can secretly exchange clues to what you’re thinking. You’ll smile with a naughty grin as you point out interesting sites to each other.
Challenge each other to find as many erotic shapes or images as you can – anything that remotely reminds you of sex. This will help you focus on the natural beauty (yeah any excuse will do). You’d be amazed how many details you pick out when sex is on your mind. Your playfully naughty thoughts are like mental foreplay. You’ll be racing to your bedroom when you get home.
Make your erotic adventure game more interesting by keeping score. Agree on who found the most interesting one or who finds the most to declare a winner. The winner receives a sexual favor or gets to play out a favorite fantasy. For this erotic couples game all you need is a dirty mind. Gaze at the clouds, notice interesting knots in the trees, search out insects mating, forage for ideas in the flowers or uncover manhood shaped mushrooms. Boulders, crevices, leaves and even tracks in the sand can trigger naughty ideas and arousing associations.
You can even find lewd locations to make love when no one is around. Describe when, how and what you could do in full erotic detail. Paint a mental picture of your sexy scene and see if you can resist ripping your clothes off and going for it right then and there.
Take a digital camera with you during your erotic adventure games and capture nature in all its explicit glory. Collect sets of erotic pictures and organize them into a sexy slide show. Create DVDs to remember your outings together. You can watch your naughty nature shows years later. You’ll be amazed how fondly you recall the times you shared exploring your erotic nature together.
Here are a few samples of natural beauty that my wife snapped. See if you can tell what we were thinking.
Take any chance you can to enjoy nature together – any reason will do. It really is a great way to enhance your relationship whether you think naughty thoughts or not. Just holding hands and enjoying the fresh air and sunshine can be extremely rewarding. An erotic adventure game just makes it more interesting. Who says romantic games can’t be erotic too.
See our article Naughty By Nature Erotic Game With Anal Sex Ideas for a slightly more kinky variation of this couples game.
In what new location or setting would you like to have sex? What other foreplay ideas pop into your mind when you see the erotic image above? You may want to check out the book Romance Lady’s Travel Guide To The 50 Sexiest Destinations To Woo Your Lover for inspiration. And, when you’re on a fantasy sex vacation, don’t forget to include some erotic exploration to spice up your relationship even more.
A bedroom is a comfortable place to make love, but there are so many exciting locations to have passionate sex. Whether spontaneous and urgent or planned for fun, sex in new locations can be extremely thrilling. That’s why we created a set of lovemaking coupons to help inspire you to get out and enjoy the best sex of your lives. Why not try to check off all 69 lovemaking locations and come up with more of your own. Take a chance and create unforgettable memories together with the one you love.
Plan an Erotic Escape and …
Enjoy Even Better Sex!